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Leo is the fifth sign of the astrological year and is known by its astrological symbol, the Lion. Leo individuals are dynamic, self-confident, and highly dramatic. They are considered to be good organizers, with an ability to lead and inspire others.
Below you’ll find general characteristics for the Leo man, woman, child, lover, and friend. At the bottom of this page, you’ll find links to articles with detailed personality profiles for every day that falls under the Leo sign. Read on to see if the characteristics ring true for you or the Lion in your life.

The Leo Man

Leo men are good-looking and personable and possess a swaggering grace that makes them attractive to women. They are friendly and good-natured, although they have a tendency to sulk. They have a strong ego and can seem preoccupied with their own concerns at times. Image is important to these men, and they take great care in cultivating just the right one for themselves.

The Leo Woman

The typical Leo woman is glamorous and regal. She isn't complicated -- in fact she's more up-front and honest. She revels in the spotlight and often finds herself the center of attention. No matter how happy she is in her personal life, a Leo woman needs more. That usually means a career or, in some cases, an involvement in social or community affairs that showcase her creative interests and organizational skills.

The Leo Child

Leo children are so dramatic and outgoing that they can easily be classed as show-offs by parents who do not understand the necessity of their little one to "perform." Since Leo children normally take on a leadership role early, parents need to prevent adversarial relationships between them and other siblings.

The Leo Lover

From the amorous love letters of Napoleon Bonaparte to the liberated sexual antics of pop diva Madonna, Leos have always shown a driving need to express their true love nature. They have a talent for blending the tenderest romantic sentiments with bold sexuality. Leos are great devotees of the dating ritual. They love giving gifts and will go to almost any lengths to make their adored feel special. They retain their romantic persuasion even when they marry and continue to "court" their spouse by showing just how thoughtful and generous they can be.

The Leo Friend

Despite their winning personality, it isn't always easy to be friends with Leo people, whose talent and self-confidence usually seem to place them at the center of things. That leaves a Leo's buddies always hanging out at the edge of the circle, waiting for someone to notice them. Leo individuals are best in a one-to-one friendship where their ego is less likely to intrude upon the relationship. Leos need to be brought down to earth at times.

Leos born on July 27 embody a duality that's not strictly evident except to those who know them well. They appear to be entirely at peace with their emotions, yet possess a spiritual core of steel. They often hide an aspect of their personality, not because they are at odds with it, but in order to maintain a sense of control over their world.

Friends and Lovers

July 27 natives are personable people with good social skills, yet at times they seem almost aloof, as if they're unwilling to undertake a friendship dialogue. Even lovers are kept at an emotional distance when these people don't feel secure. They are determined to be loved for who they are and for no other reason. They have a great love of domestic life and settle into it with ease.

Children and Family

Strength of purpose and ability to meet the challenges of life head-on can be traced to the values that were taught to July 27 natives as children. They are traditional in their life-view and are committed parents who instill integrity in their youngsters, along with a sense of wonder at life's myriad opportunities.


Although they may not be fanatical about their health, July 27 folks come close to being so. They employ holistic as well as more conventional methods of staying healthy and are careful about their diet.

Career and Finances

Whichever career they choose, July 27 people will throw themselves into it with enthusiasm. Since they're extremely organized, details related to their work will be handled skillfully and completely. Whether they have great resources or few, they're equally sensible in the way they handle money.

Dreams and Goals

July 27 individuals want to be the best. This is true no matter what their career aims may be. Once they have achieved a goal, they move on to the next one. These people don't live in the past; rather, they seek to mature in ways that make each challenge a little more engaging.

True? o.o

A Taurus born on April 28 brings joy to their world. They have an amazing capacity for living life to the fullest and never failing to recognize an opportunity that comes their way. They have absolutely no cynicism and can find logic and reason in even the most difficult and trying circumstances.

Friends and Lovers

People born on this date have no problem making friends. They love people and derive a great deal of happiness from their friends' joys and successes. In love, they view marriage as a true partnership.

Children and Family

April 28 people have something of a Norman Rockwell view of family life. If they experience a difficult upbringing, they may "rewrite" the scenario to provide them with a more pleasant view of the past. With their own children, they are exceptionally understanding, indulgent, and sometimes overly involved.


A good mental attitude has a lot to do with the vitality of April 28 individuals. These people are models of positive thinking and good health habits. They understand the importance of keeping active, involved, and motivated.

Career and Finances

Because they enjoy sharing their philosophical views with others, April 28 natives excel in teaching, counseling, and the ministry. Although they may get off to a rocky start, they eventually become capable of parlaying a small amount of money into a healthy nest egg.

Dreams and Goals

April 28 people can be reticent about believing in their dreams. The major goals of April 28 men and women are likely to be career-oriented, although they may harbor a secret ambition.

Taurus is the second sign of the astrological year and is known by its symbol, the Bull. Taureans are loyal, thrifty, kindhearted, and they possess great personal charm, good looks, and a lovely speaking voice.
Below you’ll find general characteristics for the Taurus man, woman, child, lover, and friend. At the bottom of this page, you’ll find links to articles with detailed personality profiles for every day that falls under the Taurus sign. Read on to see if the characteristics ring true for you or the Bull in your life.

The Taurus Man

Taurus men possess a great deal of what used to be called "animal magnetism." They are often dark and brooding in appearance, taciturn in speech. They become good husbands and fathers, cherish traditional values, and rarely lose their temper. Most are more concerned with achieving success in their personal life than their professional life. They have a great deal of creative talent, though this may require some coaxing.

The Taurus Woman

A Taurus woman is stylish, well-groomed, and socially involved. Whether she turns her energies to domestic or professional aims, she is certain to give it all that she has. Taurus women are stubborn, practical, and budget-minded. They have the ability to balance family and career life without losing their emotional equilibrium. These women have their feet planted firmly on the ground.

The Taurus Child

A Taurus child can be sugar and spice one moment, then walking thunderclouds the next. They are generally obedient, but they may become belligerent in adolescence if the rules made by their parents are too restrictive. Many Taurean children show a marked artistic talent at an early age. They have great color sense and are drawn to beautiful things.

The Taurus Lover

A Taurus lover is passionate a individual who prefers marriage or long-term relationships to the dating scene. The Taurean lover is persistent, consistent, and always eager to please his or her partner. They never forget a birthday, anniversary, or other romantic occasion. The one drawback to their approach is inflexibility. An adventuresome person who enjoys a lot of experimentation and diversity may grow weary of the Taurean lover's practical approach.

The Taurus Friend

A Taurus friend is exceptionally steadfast and loyal. They treat their friends with the kind of respect and affection that most people reserve for family members or lovers. Taureans get along best with people who have the same interests as their own. These men and women often serve their friends in an advisory role; their advice is treasured.

I find it quite true for you mr logic :x

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