Into Week 27 of my pregnancy

Had my checkup with Dr Adrian last Friday. Dr Adrian says that Baby is starting to turn and his weight is good. He is now 982g! I passed my gestational diabetes test and he said I can drink my bubble tea haha! I also went on to take the whopping cough vaccine as Dr mentioned that the vaccine will be pass on to baby. The injection is fast but it hurts a little as my arm continues to sore for the next 1 day.

Glad that Baby is healthy and good, Papa Lim is happy too.  As baby is growing everyday, I can feel his kicks are getting stronger. He likes to move a lot when I am sitting down resting or lying on bed. Sometimes, his kicks will start at 11pm when it's around my bedtime :/ But anyway, it feels good to know that he is one active boy :)

My backaches are not getting better and I only get to sleep through the night once in a blue moon.  I am still getting up to the toilet as usual and it's has since became a routine. Recently, I am also getting 'hard-tummy', a term which they call it braxton hicks. 

According to the website, it says :Braxton Hicks are when the womb contracts and relaxes. Sometimes they are known as false labour pains. Not all women will have Braxton Hicks contractions. If you do, you'll usually feel them during the second or third trimester. 

When I get these, I feel uncomfortable (but bearable still). But if i gets it halfway through when I'm walking,  I would really slow down a lot until I could find a place to sit. Also, I felt that I get tired easily like when I'm in 1st trimester. What amazes me today was that I could actually fell asleep when the music is on and and the windows open (with the sound of the expressway). This was something I am not capable of knowing that I am a light sleeper. 

I guess having a kid will change all sorts of things. 

There are definitely hard times in my pregnancy, but I don't usually complain unless it gets too much for me.

As baby is getting bigger, the ultrasound can no longer capture his whole body haha, I think what I am seeing here is his head (I guess). And so I told my hubby, maybe the next round we see Dr, we will get a picture of his body only. 

And a photo taken by hubby few days ago. Since the Covid, I didn't really take any nice pictures of my pregnancy journey, I didn't want a maternity photoshoot because I thought we could save that money.

Anyway, 3 more months to go before little one is born. I hope that next 3 months will be a happy and fulfilling one for me and Kris. 

Also, Hubby has been doing more household chores these weeks since I can't really do those strenuous one. Really appreciate that he is stepping up for my sake. Love you bii. 

An updated photo of both of us

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