Graduated finally!!

It was a day of agony for Xiong on 14 August 2014.

A day of life and death.

The most important hour to decide his fate ..... for education.

Alright! Alright! I know I'm exaggerating but those who are holding a full time job and taking part time studies, KUDOs to you cos' you know how life really sucks. The bitter days when your colleagues go for a drink after work and yet you have to travel to school to study. Life sucks further especially you live in the extreme East and your school is at the extreme West. And during lessons, the words on the projector and books appeared distorted and none seemed to make any sense to you. When your exams are coming, you take a few days off to study harder than you never before and those topics do not seem like you had seen them before in class. The next thing that goes into your mind was : FML.

If all these seems very familiar to you, then congratulations! You must have already been through the life of a uni student in Singapore. So far, these are symptoms of a uni student I saw in Xiong, my sis and other friends.

After seeing your results, i was really happy for you! Such godly results isn't something i expect though. Thanks to 观音,妈祖保佑 and of course your burning of midnight oil, i felt that you deserve it.

Once again Bii, Congratulations to you!! You are officially a graduate !!