My Little one ~

 Hi Peeps,  COVID-19 has been going around for a few months. Though the situation has improved but we have not gone back to our normal life. Going out must wear mask , must register safe-entry, must sanitize our hands, mus not have more than 5 people in a gathering etc, its getting a norm now, the 'new normal' which many people say.

And yes, during this period it has been tough for us. For the whole month during COVID, i couldn't go back to my dad's place, hubby needs to stay in camp for 1 month due to the fact that he is an essential worker, i got to stay home work alone. The only thing i face is my computer and handphone. 

And during this period, i found out that i was pregnant...

Nothing could describe my happiness when i saw the positive sign on the test kit.

I am feeling emotional but not to the extend that i cried or jump or whatsoever. For last few months, we've been trying for one. It was not an easy process and afterall it took us around 7 months? This is consider normal as I hear some of my colleagues tried for years. 

1st trimester is kind to me. Baby is good and I'm feeling happy most of the time. I didn't get much serious vomits but I get tired really easily and I yearn for the bed almost every afternoon. But work is massive and I couldn't really take a good rest during lunch. Well.. Jus part of life. I appreciate the fact I need not travel to work daily and that is something that not all pregnant mums go through. 

1st photo from gynac

I still remember that day when I found out I was pregnant.. Alone in my bedroom... I have never felt so independent before haha. Luckily, love was released the following week and we went to the doc together. It was the very 1st photo we ha of our unborn ... Just looking at the photo made me awe... how a life is born in my tummy like that. There are so many things I want to write about, my thoughts, my feelings, my mood during my 1st pregnancy but sometimes I just get too tired to do so. 

Maybe I should sleep now since I have a con call tomorrow morning. 

Announcing week 15 today and happy growing baby! 

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